How to Test Drive a Vehicle

Testing driving a new vehicle, when done correctly, is a lot of fun. You’re experiencing a completely new car that could possibly be yours, if you fancy it enough. There’s a bit of an art to test driving a car, especially if it’s a used one.

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How Using a Fuel Card Saves you Money

Fuel cards are important tools that are used by the vast majority of businesses with registered vehicles. They can save businesses a ton of cash, make admin processes quicker and more effective and they can also reduce the risk of diesel theft.

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How to Negotiate Buying a Car from a Dealer

Haggling. It’s a lost art form that’s only really been rehashed by sites like Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree, where people offer you 80% less than what you’re asking in some kind of desperate attempt to rip you off.

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How Fleet Management Can Benefit Your Business

If your business requires a fleet of vehicles, it’s needless to say that the fleet is going to be a big part of the operation – and the budget. Not only does your fleet of vehicles help you to generate cash flow, but it also generates expenses in running costs and repairs.

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How does a car allowance work

Car allowance is a set amount offered to you by your employer to contribute to the use and expense of a motor vehicle aka car. And there are no limits or restrictions on how you use the car.

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Five Reasons to Choose a Chattel Mortgage

Chattel mortgages are one of the most sensible ways of financing a vehicle. All over the world, businesses and individuals alike use chattel mortgages to purchase new and used cars, so there’s no wonder why you’re considering it too.

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Fingo Finance