right now, the easiest way to tell your friends you’ve won the lotto is to tell them you filled up your car… to the brim. it’s no doubt that your bank account must be stacked if you’re filling up your car to the max while petrol is sitting at over $2.20 per litre.
we’ve had people telling us of their $200-, $250- and even $300-per-tank nightmare stories: people with custom 4wds that have two fuel tanks or classic/sports cars that ‘need premium, dude – premium!’, if you fancy a simpsons quote. so, if you’re not in that category and you’re only (only?!) spending $117 to fill up your pulsar, you should consider yourself lucky.
but if you want to get to the bottom of this mystery, and stay far, far away from the bottom of your petrol tank, keep reading. here’s why australian petrol prices are continuing to climb.